Gone with the Rain: Adding a New Chapter to the Female Costume Drama Genre
"Gone with the Rain" is a female costume drama led by Zhang Nan, Wang Yuwen, Sun Yizhou, Zhao Yingbo and Liu Meitong. It was broadcasted on June 5th, 2023. The drama is adapted from the romantic novel "Feng Yu Nong, Yan Zhi Luan" by Ni Luo. It tells the story of two sisters Mo Xi and Bai Fengyao who grow up together through ups and downs while always sticking to their inner justice and working together to resolve various crises. On the day of its broadcast, it immediately sparked discussions among netizens on social networking websites with almost everyone focusing on the portrayal of female characters. By abandoning conventional character designs for costume dramas and creating bold and agile female images that viewers want to see in such dramas. "Gone with the Rain" portrays both personal loyalty as well as national patriotism, during times when the country faces danger, personal emotions are intertwined with patriotism throughout. The drama does not directly focus on struggles between various factions in court but instead focuses on how Mo Xi & Feng Yao support each other against difficulties they face; portraying deep sisterly love as well as women's growth provides new inspiration for creating…