Tang Dynasty Qiyaohanfu Transformation, Ancient Style Hanfu Transformation 2018
Little Fish Dry回忆,她的不少客妹都是冲着这条视频来的洛邑古城。在她看来,这条视频的爆火方面是变装带来的反差感,前面是个普通男生,扔把扇子后变装为精致的汉服美女,加上汉服本身在短视频极具关注度,爆火点都不意外;另方面,对于普通人来说,这样的视频可复制性很强。据小鱼干当时观察,几乎每个仿拍都会有两万点赞。 Little Orange的短视频都是古风“换装”变装风格,不得不说有些变装真的非常惊艳,当看到小橙子变装的那刻的确是有被惊艳到。在小橙子的“换装”短视频中,点赞量高达百万的高达数十个,并且还有些达到300万甚至400万的点赞量。让小橙子走红的第一个视频是撑伞花瓣的汉服变装,当花瓣掉落的瞬间不少网友也是直呼“爱了爱了”。 近年来,从《唐宫夜宴》到《洛神水赋》,从《登场了!洛阳》到《风起洛阳》,多个传统文化爆款IP洛阳频频出圈。去年2月份,仅3000多粉丝的普通游客“小猫咪不会喵喵喵”,配上一曲古风音乐,拍摄的由日常服饰到汉服的新颖变装视频爆火,点赞量达6.8万,这首背景音乐也吸引了数以万计的游客打卡洛邑古城并拍摄变装视频。 这次体验变装,其中一款复原了唐代张萱《捣练图》中的高腰襦裙。古代没有扣子、拉链,片式的褶裙齐胸围裹在短衣之外,全靠绸带在胸前缠绕勒紧,双环结垂下长长的绸带,非常灵动。为了让裙子不滑脱,绸带勒得非常紧,呼吸都非常痛。臂间披上一条如虹的披帛,飘然若舞,这是唐代美女的时尚,来源于佛教文化中飞天的空灵造型。不过如何不踩到随时垂地的披帛?记者小心翼翼走了半天也没整明白。 襦裙按照裙腰的高度来划分,可以分为中齐胸襦裙、齐腰襦裙等等。随着文化和民族的交流融合,唐代的襦裙样式最为多变,吸收了鲜卑族的窄袖风格,还诞生了衣袂飘飘的大袖衫和披肩。齐胸襦裙也常常被错认成韩国的传统服饰,但实际上韩服与和服一样,都是在汉服的基础上改良和发展后产生的,虽然相似但也有很多不同之处。 Little Fish Dry回忆,她的不少客妹都是冲着这条视频来的洛邑古城。在她看来,这条视频的爆火方面是变装带来的反差感,前面是个普通男生,扔把扇子后变装为精致的汉服美女,加上汉服本身在短视频关注度,爆火点都不意外;另方面,对于普通人来说,这样的视频可复制性很强。据小鱼干当时观察,几乎每个仿拍都会有两万点赞。 European girls wearing Hanfu, what is the experience? Chinese girl Wang Mei, who lives in Belgium, had a sudden idea to set up a stall on the street to challenge Hanfu transformation, dressing Belgian girls in Hanfu according to ancient beauties paintings, and applying traditional Chinese makeup, unexpectedly the effect was amazing, each foreign girl instantly turned into a beautiful "foreign noble lady". Recently, Wang Mei plans to hold a Hanfu fashion show in Belgium, inviting these transformed girls to participate, and received enthusiastic responses. Wang Mei said, "I hope that when they see me wearing Hanfu again, they recognize it as Chinese." Provided by interviewees, Ziniu News reporter Song Shifeng 唐朝仕女线条,色彩,体态,服饰的共同特点:唐侍女图的线条都很饱满,构图严谨,色彩多样而明艳,也有灰度较高的色彩,柔和美与明艳美相得益彰,可以参考簪花仕女图及捣练图,这个就是代表作了,服饰都是属于汉服中的齐腰襦裙或者是齐胸襦裙,齐胸襦裙作为唐代最流行的汉服之一,在仕女图中出现的频率非常高. Transformation Master app allows you to grasp the most wonderful efficiency brought by various transformations online at any time, and Transformation Master can also immediately understand the most complete styles online. The app can also understand the efficiency of real-time online transformation, experience different transformation gameplay bringing excitement, understand the precision of different transformation operations, and better feel the wonderfulness and efficiency brought by real-time online transformation. European girls wearing Hanfu, what is the experience? Chinese girl… -
Splendid Bloom: Ming Dynasty-style Hanfu Fashion Show in the Late Ming Aesthetic
In recent years, with the continuous rise of the Hanfu revival movement, an increasing number of young people have become enthusiastic about wearing Hanfu, especially those in the Ming Dynasty style. Ming Dynasty-style Hanfu not only inherits the charm of traditional culture but also integrates modern fashion elements, becoming one of the most popular outfits today. To showcase the allure of Ming Dynasty-style Hanfu, enthusiasts across the country have organized splendid fashion shows, among which the "Ming Dynasty-style Hanfu Fashion Show in the Late Ming Aesthetic" stands out the most. This fashion show is themed around "Return to Ming Dynasty Style, Splendid Bloom," aiming to perfectly combine the design of Ming Dynasty-style Hanfu with contemporary fashion elements, allowing more people to understand, love, and inherit traditional culture. At the event site, a grand and magnificent stage will be built, complemented by richly imperial lighting and sound effects, creating an immersive experience for the audience. The first to take the runway are men's Hanfu fashion shows. They wear exquisite Ming Dynasty-style Hanfu, elegant yet dignified. Their attire primarily features dark colors such as red, blue, and purple, adorned with golden edges, adding a touch of nobility. Men's headwear is mostly made… -
Foreigners View Chinese Traditional Hanfu, Foreigners View Chinese Men in Traditional Hanfu
For foreigners, what they are more interested in is China's art. Clothing, regardless of time and place, is merely an accessory used to dress people up. Without a core skill, even the best clothes will only look like a fashion show. It's better to attract people with skills and then promote the clothing. That's why she came up with the idea of playing the bamboo flute on the street while wearing hanfu, to let the British know what hanfu is, what a bamboo flute is, and what our great Han culture is about. Of course, foreigners are secondary; the most crucial thing is to let most Chinese people know. Chinese musical instruments have been passed down from ancient times and have a certain cultural foundation. Compared to Western instruments, Chinese instruments have a certain charm, and their enduring sounds are liked by everyone. Currently, many students choose to further their studies abroad, but they do not forget their roots. While studying abroad, they still think of their country and its musical instruments, and want to introduce them to foreigners so that foreigners can also love our country's musical instruments. Our vast China has many things worth learning from and appreciating.… -
Chinese Hanfu Industry – Changing & Get Better
After the show began to check tickets, Ruo Shui was crowded by the crowd of spectators to the stands. She stared at the model who was walking towards her, who was wearing, the biggest attraction of the fashion show - "National Treasure" and the designer of Huachang Jiuzhou collaborated on one of the National Treasure's derivative Hanfu collections, and when this style Hanfu already sold out in just 10 minutes when it went on sale. This is the evening of June 29th in Hangzhou, China Silk Museum held in the national style of a Chinese Hanfu fashion show, in the words of Ruo Shui, but also the trendsetter of Hanfu lovers. Civilized Clothing is Meant to Make People More Comfortable Ruoshui, the 25-year-old Chengdu girl has a wardrobe full of more than a dozen Hanfu. "I often wear Hanfu to and from work every day." Ruoshui buys mostly Song and Ming Hanfus in styles more suitable for everyday wear. The Song dynasty Hanfu is light, thin, and simple, and the Ming system is dignified and majestic. "The style of dress in the Song dynasty was different from the rich and complex aesthetic of the Tang dynasty, and dressing began…